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May The Lord bless the seeds sown into this ministry with a hundred fold return, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Worship Shack Ministries

Spokane, WA ~ Coeur D'Alene & Kellogg, ID


Worship Shack is a vision brought forth in the midnight hour in a time of contemplation on Pentecost.  It is a faith based Arts and Media Center where both young and adult alike are given the opportunity to be equipped and trained through their own expressions in the areas of art, dance, music, drama, comedy and the spoken word. 


It is a vehicle for the individual to receive hands on training while drawing out their own expressions of praise unto the Lord.


At the heart of this ministry these individuals will receive skilled training courses from Christ centered teachers who will provide weekly classes at our facility to engage them in harnessing and drawing out these expressions and talents that they may not have ever known they had.


Free courses will be available in Sound, Lighting and Video starting soon.


In addition to these training courses our center will also produce original content, live stream workshops, host faith based events and function as a Christian Multimedia Center.

Our central focus in this vision is to encourage and empower both the youth and adults alike to find their expressions of Praise unto the Lord through these mediums. Equipping them with vocational skills that they may not have had the opportunity to acquire without the financial burden required by state mandated regulations.


We thank God for entrusting us with this vision for His ministry and a focused mission to empower and equip His people in the Arts & Media.


And now we extend an invitation to you, to join us in seeing this vision come into fruition in the Seattle/Tacoma area, by your generous financial support as a monthly or annual donor or with a one time love offering.


It is our hope you would see the value in what our Lord has commissioned us to do by sowing into the life of a child or adult for hands on faith based training in  Arts and Media. 


To God Be All the Glory!


Psalm 150 (AMP)

1 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the heavens of His power!

2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness!

3 Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp!

4 Praise Him with tambourine and [single or group] dance; praise Him with stringed and wind instruments or flutes!

5 Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!

6 Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)


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Jesus Christ is the anchor of our soul, the tie that binds His church together as one family. As we are setting sail on the Worship Shack plant, we are seeking "Church Anchors", who see the vision and want to support it in any way they can.


Prayer support, financial support and accountability support is much needed as this vision takes form and is launched into the seas of the world. We are launching the web church first, then when we are fully provisioned we will launch the facility itself.


The vision of this ministry is to "Celebrate a Lifestyle of Praise Through the Arts" while reaching our youth on their level and empowering them with skills in the media arts.


If you are interested in being a "Support Anchor" for this ministry, please use the contact sheet above to find out how to get involved.


Contemporary Worship & 

Christian Rock

Worship Culture



Praise through artistic expression

Art, Dance, Drama, Comedy,

Spoken Word

Praise Culture



Messages & Written Word

Teachings in the Word of God

Kingdom Culture



© 2020 Worship Shack Ministries

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